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Hublist · Frequently asked questions

You might want to get familiar with our frequently asked questions before seeking help elsewhere. Table of contents:

  1. Why was my hub deleted or banned?
  2. Is there a registration server?
  3. What about plain text user search?
  4. What is the best way to get help?
  5. How to fix display of cyrillic characters in my hub information?
  6. Is there support for hub icon and logotype?
  7. Does pinger support custom login?
  8. How often are hubs pinged?
  9. Why are some hub icons left aligned?
  10. How to set my hubs website and email address?
  11. What is the meaning of different colors in userlist on my hub page?
  12. How to change my hub address?
  13. How to change location of my hub?
  14. Can you add another country specific client hublist?
  15. Is it possible to disable reports from pinger about AVDB detected users?
  16. What IP address does your pinger use?
  17. Is it possible to enable kicking of AVDB detected users by pinger?
  18. How does hub network grouping works?
  19. How to use hub URL instead of ID?
  20. Some hubs have secure address, what is that?
  21. Next question?

1. Why was my hub deleted or banned?

Usually you can find ban reason on hub information page along with the ban status, however, here are several reasons why your hub could get deleted or banned:

  1. Duplicate
  2. Fake users
  3. Fake share
  4. Redirect array
  5. Private hub
  6. Vote cheating
  7. Comment cheating
  8. Offline long time
  9. Low reliability
  10. Stolen address
  11. Pinger disabled
  12. Pinger banned

These are our hublist rules. To unban a hub after fixing all the problems, contact our support team.

2. Is there a registration server?

Our registration server is running at address, but is strictly limited to 10 connections per hour from one IP address.

3. What about plain text user search?

We have full $MyINFO plain text user search available, known parameter names are nick for nick, desc for description, tag for client tag, conn for connection type, mail for email address, share for share size and ip for IP address, all of them can be used together. To use this feature you need to send HTTP GET request like this to our server:

Request examples<nick><nick>&tag=<tag>&cotag=1<share><nick>&tag=<tag>&conn=<conn>&conick=0&cotag=1

Following columns can be enabled or disabled and will be shown in order of their appearance in this list, here you can also see their default values: conick=1, codesc=0, cotag=0, coconn=0, comail=0, coshare=0 and coip=0. Found results will be returned in following format depending on your column configuration, each user on new line without carriage return:


Results are limited to 25 users per hub. HeXHub and Verlihub + Ledokol already use this feature, and so can you.

4. What is the best way to get help?

Visit our public hub to chat with operators face to face. After you enter the hub, send +enter command in PM to # Hublist chatroom and state your issues afterwards. Please remember, operators are not always there, it might take a while before you get answers.

5. How to fix display of cyrillic characters in my hub information?

You need to contact an operator to change the character encoding to CP1251 for your hub. Hublist pinger uses encoding CP1252 by default. Alternative to this method is that your hub sends $HubINFO with 11'th parameter as preferred encoding:

$HubINFO N€M€SIS$$']['€AM€LI']['€ PUBLIC$64000$0$1$0$Verlihub$']['€AM€LI']['€$Public$CP1251|

HeXHub and Verlihub already support this. Please note, our hublist also supports following character encodings:

6. Is there support for hub icon and logotype?

Yes, your hub can send $SetIcon and $SetLogo containing full URL to hub icon and logotype, these commands should be sent before $HubINFO:


Icons are downsized to maximum of 16x16 pixels on hub information page and 16x16 pixels in lists all over the site. Logotypes are downsized to maximum of 800x600 pixels, image is also not downsized and are clickable for full size view. Image MIME must be of type image, complete list is available here. HeXHub and Verlihub already support hub icon and logotype.

7. Does pinger support custom login?

Yes, our pinger supports following custom login information:

Due to recent protocol flood attacks on all hubs, where our default pinger nick was used, we are now forced to use random nicks on all hubs except those where pinger is registered with specific nick. There is a way to detect whether the pinger is real or not by checking out its IP address, which is always Please contact us in order to customize pinger for your hub.

8. How often are hubs pinged?

Hublist pinger is scheduled to run at 30 minutes of every hour. Hubs are pinged in descending order by amount of online users, so new hubs are queued last. It is also possible to set wait time for each hub, please contact us if you would like our pinger to visit your hub less frequently.

9. Why are some hub icons left aligned?

By default all hub icons are right aligned on information, comment and vote pages. If you would like to have the same result, please ask an administrator to change icon alignment configuration for your hub.

10. How to set my hubs website and email address?

Please contact an administrator to set or modify your hubs contact information.

11. What is the meaning of different colors in userlist on my hub page?

Red colored users are operators reported by hub, grey colored users are bots reported by hub, orange colored users are cloned users either by share size or by nick suffix, blue colored users are virus spreaders found in AVDB, black colored users are regular users reported by hub.

12. How to change my hub address?

Contact us in order to do so. Pinger doesn't update hub address automatically from $HubINFO because too many hubs send invalid host names.

13. How to change location of my hub?

Contact us in order to change that information. By default pinger uses location of the server.

14. Can you add another country specific client hublist?

Yes ofcourse, we can do that in no time, you only need to contact us and specify which country you would like to be added. For the moment only top 10 countries by amount of hubs are listed.

15. Is it possible to disable reports from pinger about AVDB detected users?

By default our pinger sends +report command with list of users on each hub that were detected as virus spreaders according to AVDB. You can contact us in order to disable pinger reports for your hub.

16. What IP address does your pinger use?

We've seen pinger with nick TEPinger appearing from IP address different from our own, that's true. So remember, our pinger always uses IP address, any other pingers with that nick are fake or belong to someone else.

17. Is it possible to enable kicking of AVDB detected users by pinger?

By default our pinger sends +report command with list of users on each hub that were detected as virus spreaders according to AVDB. Please contact us in order to allow pinger to directly kick such users in your hub with specified reason. You would need to register the pinger and give it operator rights.

18. How does hub network grouping works?

Network grouping in our hublist means assigning specific hubs to specific hub networks. Such hub networks can be added by hublist moderators, they consist of URL, name and description. Here you can see example of such network. Please contact us if your hub network has not been added yet or you would like to modify its name or description, it might contain BBCode by the way. Once your network is added, we can start assigning your hubs to it, you can do so by telling us which hubs are involved. Hub network grouping is some kind of creating your own lists with your hubs inside, even if it's not a real hub network, but a simple group of hubs. Everyone is welcome.

19. How to use hub URL instead of ID?

Yes, that's right. We have added support for custom hub URL instead of ID. Please contact us in order to set custom URL for your hub, and remember, they are unique. Here are characters that can be used in your URL:

20. Some hubs have secure address, what is that?

Some hubs support secure connection, it means that all traffic between you as client and the hub, is encrypted using TLS, rather than plain text protocol. Hubs that support secure connection, and told us about support for it, have a green locked button along their address in all listings, while the hub information page actually shows the secure address that can and should be used to connect to hub. Some hubs also share their public certificates that can be used by supporting clients. Links to these certificates are placed along the secure address on hub information page, if was published by hub owner. You can download these files and unpack them into your clients Certificates folder, if supported. In such case your secure connection to the hub becomes secure rather than unconfirmed. Our hublist pinger by the way, fully supports and uses TLS-encrypted connections using provided certificates, regardless of protocol version.

Please contact us if you would like to specify secure URL to your hub and publish your certificate file.

21. Next question?

New questions will be added here when asked and answered.