Klagomål ⋅ Banned for answering a pm
I got a pm from Daemon something or other. when I tried to answer, I was banned
Postat av UncleChippy den 2016-09-28 04:38
Inlägg låst: Löst
Re: Banned for answering a pm
You're not allowed to spam in our hubs, that's why you got banned. However, I removed your ban and hope you won't be spamming again.Kod
[11:37:35] <# TE> Removed ban:[*] Nick: UncleChippy
[*] IP:
[*] Share: 13594844994000 [12.36 TB]
[*] Reason: Spam detected: dchub://pornorama.no-ip.biz:69 #_ban_3d
[*] Extra: Here you can ask to remove your ban: http://www.te-home.net/?do=forum&id=webcomp
[*] Time: 2 days 16 hours left
[*] Type: Nick + IP
[*] Operator: # TE
[*] Last hit: 33 secs ago
1 ban found.
Inlägg låst: Löst