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Motya Hub

ID 4454
URL motya
Status Online
Secure None
Certificate None
ASN Rostelecom
Failover None
Name Motya Hub
Topic Welcome to the Moscow DC++ hub from Russia
Description Мотя хаб - Общение без цензуры (18+)
Network None
Category None
Software PtokaX
Location Russia
Users 83
Peak users 129
Share 81.25 TB
Peak share 197.43 TB
Unique 73 / 2.80%
Clones 0 / 0% 0 B / 0%
Infected 5 / 6.02% 160.91 GB / 0.19%
User limit 10 000
Share limit 0 B
Slot limit 0
Hub limit 0
Reliability 92.14%
Last checked 52 minutes 48 seconds
When added 5 years 9 months
Votes 0 Good Bad
Website None
Resources None

Weekly graph Period: Mon 30/09 - Mon 07/10 Users: 50 - 105 Share: 42.22 TB - 173.01 TB

Online users

Nick Share
Мотильда 0 B
Georg 35.15 GB
Lina_Swedish_Girl55 29.58 GB
[fly]Blackzzz 7.37 GB
[ro][rds][b]kikiricki 9.57 GB
er[ggfgffgfggf 79.24 GB
121 154.87 GB
59uh55fggr799 34.99 GB
78543 0 B
88kgtela 297.73 GB
Andy7712323S 253.53 GB
Aplsin 9.43 TB
B3licescu33 136.04 GB
Balyga 406.90 GB
Bercut 0 B
Bolkjlmgv 1.49 TB
D2N 0 B
FireMan 2.03 GB
Head-Jquk 241.85 GB
Helga 24.16 GB
Kikkun 34.22 GB
MORnex 5.63 GB
Man_S 39.53 GB
Miha_chel_robo 3 TB
Minimus003Akula 137.35 GB
Monkey_202526 2.55 GB
Nosferatos_R181 951.37 GB
Sehcnas 638.99 GB
Server 15.33 TB
Shaktiman 88.21 GB
SnopovA1987 12.15 GB
Staraq 42.19 GB
Szerver_Windows_10 0 B
Villis 411.63 GB
Westling 77.66 GB
Wikitech 0 B
XM31337 8.30 TB
[fly]Bear_Big13 3.49 TB
[fly]DCman_6FwXwd 79.23 GB
[fly]Earth_nNdg 783.54 GB
[fly]Hulk_5DzK 450.66 GB
[fly]Man_V5u8ZT 126.02 GB
[fly]Monkey_InkVHQ 136.15 GB
[fly]Monkey_QGrFy 124.72 GB
[fly]Moon_GZpRCM 2.65 TB
[fly]Troll_Abm3 74.81 GB
_Samul_ 63.68 GB
admin.nd 246.14 GB
aeternam 34.35 GB
aldin 16.21 GB
antropomorf2 12.07 TB
boochuus 11.51 GB
bustum 0 B
casHuTgriuhhhpk 616.31 GB
cindarul2 200.96 GB
gentleman 10.85 GB
jhu78kl 0 B
jonni-lee-42 2.22 TB
kirik778[svao] 7.52 TB
kjugiluh4578uiz 23.75 GB
kkkfkirflpp[dp;ojoijiof[[[65666 0 B
marss1 20.60 GB
nik 82.23 GB
nnov2024 71.97 GB
sander350 409.81 GB
shvas 65.87 GB
spaceKadz 1.81 TB
thisguy 302.60 GB
tissognesutit 160.24 GB
ujyh_{110722} 224.80 GB
upsh 2.20 TB
users52 25.43 GB
vasile 0 B
wapr_II 108.83 GB
y2b4k698df328djei3 261.82 GB
ДедаЛенин 23.01 GB
Захар 269.25 GB
Масяня 81.95 GB
Степан 1.86 TB
манул75@75 196.20 GB
очстар 169.66 GB
цkljgkztrix76 474.55 GB


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