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AirDC++ AirDC++ Portable x86

Описание для этого файла не было добавлено.

Лог изменений

API and Web UI changes:

* Web Client 2.12.0


* Add flood limits for incoming and outgoing connect requests to avoid crashes in case of severe flood (#63)
* Add “verbose” status message severity


* Update Node.js to version 18.17.1
* Lower the default minimum search interval to 5/10 seconds


* Fix transfer connections not being created in some cases when download sources are added
* Fix sources column in download queue not being updated in some cases when download sources are added
* Fix an additional whitespace being added after user nicks in some cases
* Fix “engname” country format param (#88)

Авторские права

© 2007-2025 AirDC++ Team


GNU General Public License, version 2


Файл airdcpp_4.21_x86.7z
Версия 4.21
Дата 2023-11-15 13:18
Размер 47.30 Мб
Тип application/x-7z-compressed
SHA1 93df82517401e890f0bd1b15ee82b2a35bc1e788
MD5 18c9c836c2db0353ba4763ae9d6cd636
Загрузок 41

График за квартал Период: Wed 06/11 - Thu 06/02 Загрузок: 0 - 1


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