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HeXHub Plugin SDKs HeXHub Plugin SDKs C++ SDK 0.3

HeXHub SDK for C++ is an object-oriented wrapper for HeXHub's API. Its purpose is to make the task of making plugins much simpler and making developers less likely to make mistakes getting functions. Note, this SDK is for use with all versions of HeXHub that have plugin support.


© 2007-2008 Mikhail Polenin


Version 0.3
Date 2013-09-17 08:30
Size 14.74 KB
Type application/zip
SHA1 7751cd79b6ce0eeabb30eddf9d7602854c9e14d6
MD5 998d80c7cc547f9a94a5fcb82f6fd6b0
Downloads 597

Quarterly graph Period: Wed 16/10 - Thu 16/01 Downloads: 0 - 2


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