Ledokol ⋅ Ledokol 2.8.5
Описание для этого файла не было добавлено.
Лог изменений
Fixed: Correctly send $NoReport command to pingers, report by S0RiN
Fixed: Check syntax of oldclean command, report by KCAHDEP
Fixed: Don't notify user commands as messages sent to hub security
Fixed: Missing ban time when adding forbidden MyINFO parts
Changed: myinfadd command parameter syntax to <type> <"lre"> ["time"] ["note"]
Changed: Modify existing forbidden MyINFO item when it's added again
Changed: Restrict access of forced infected user detection report to AVDB
Changed: Replace new line character with space in antivirus detection file names
Changed: Country code gag now uses LRE instead of country code, request by KCAHDEP
Added: Optional parameter to add note for each forbidden MyINFO item, request by Uhlik
Added: Cache for protected users list, it's called too often, we don't want to put high load on MySQL server
Added: lretoplain command to convert LRE to plain text, idea by KCAHDEP
Added: histshowipclass configuration to show user IP in main chat history to users with set class and above, request by KCAHDEP
Removed: Messages on hub restart and stop, hub itself will do that for us
Fixed: Check syntax of oldclean command, report by KCAHDEP
Fixed: Don't notify user commands as messages sent to hub security
Fixed: Missing ban time when adding forbidden MyINFO parts
Changed: myinfadd command parameter syntax to <type> <"lre"> ["time"] ["note"]
Changed: Modify existing forbidden MyINFO item when it's added again
Changed: Restrict access of forced infected user detection report to AVDB
Changed: Replace new line character with space in antivirus detection file names
Changed: Country code gag now uses LRE instead of country code, request by KCAHDEP
Added: Optional parameter to add note for each forbidden MyINFO item, request by Uhlik
Added: Cache for protected users list, it's called too often, we don't want to put high load on MySQL server
Added: lretoplain command to convert LRE to plain text, idea by KCAHDEP
Added: histshowipclass configuration to show user IP in main chat history to users with set class and above, request by KCAHDEP
Removed: Messages on hub restart and stop, hub itself will do that for us
Авторские права
© 2007-2025 RoLexЛицензия
GNU General Public LicenseЗагрузить
Файл | ledokol-2.8.5.zip |
Версия | 2.8.5 |
Дата | 2015-01-08 18:40 |
Размер | 117.54 Кб |
Тип | application/zip |
SHA1 | 511c19912096459735e662304974f733903052fd |
MD5 | 54645b3459832ca179f5b860e2f4e0b0 |
Загрузок | 733 |