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Questions Questions Return of the wandering opsec guy

Hi de high bre's your frisky network OffensiveSecurity guy here lol

Just thought I'd surf in and let you all know I'm good, can't be bothered turning a computer on these days, nvm sitting in hubs semi-perma,

My best buddys Meka and then Ashura when his angel arrived. But that's just who I've known longest, anyone Meka trusts, then i trust also, That said if you're part of TE you're my family, period.

days when one of us putting out a new "tool" every other day and The pwnage of [-TE-]-rejects, leakers, and other halfwits that made what must be one of the biggest laughing stocks of a 'team' in DC history, of course we remember them as homos++, Actually i read on news that Madkid is promoted, good luck mate, stick with TE, even if you publicly fall out never ever go make/join another group, it won't work, The only time this may have affected TE was when the best asm guy ever, a quiet but very clever upstart,
Lord_Zer0 appeared full of himself and his requests for TE to 'test' his hubsoft. The rest is well known,
Me, well i have teamelite blood, whether I'm here, there or anywhere, until i rest my bones for good my respect and loyalties lye with [-TE-] always, why?

Well you should know ']['€AM€LiT€ is for life

Oh, jackel sends his best wishes, hes a bit fked with ill health, but a solid foot soldier with sociopatic loyalty for the TE family.

Peace out guys, 1 time.

Ps. Dc client for iOS would be an awesome thing lol (:

Posted by VickMaker on 2015-07-14 14:54


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Re: Return of the wandering opsec guy
Sup there?
Replied by RoLex on 2016-07-24 11:00 #186
Re: Return of the wandering opsec guy
I haven't had the chance to read your message, Vick, despite still being around. :/ Contact us if you are still reading this forum. We can set you up in the private hub. ;)
Replied by Neo on 2020-02-17 10:16 #408
Post is locked: Outdated