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Visits by page

# Page Count
1 Tools Tools 10 423 594
2 Hublist Hublist 2 889 464
3 News News 2 834 069
4 Forum Forum 638 582
5 404 404 500 148
6 Work Work 348 395
7 RSS RSS 282 815
8 About About 247 118
9 Statistics Statistics 170 374
10 Network Network 107 889
11 Login Login 33 696
12 Gallery Gallery 22 874
  Total 18 499 018

Visits by country

# Country Count
1 United States United States 8 084 572
2 China China 1 678 527
3 Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 1 055 652
4 Russia Russia 1 028 015
5 Singapore Singapore 1 005 806
6 Germany Germany 818 981
7 France France 809 238
8 Vietnam Vietnam 736 162
9 Netherlands Netherlands 618 843
10 Indonesia Indonesia 567 533
11 United Kingdom United Kingdom 410 260
12 Canada Canada 363 978
13 Brazil Brazil 350 900
14 Ukraine Ukraine 330 877
15 Cambodia Cambodia 247 858
16 Sweden Sweden 238 937
17 Venezuela Venezuela 237 467
18 Hong Kong Hong Kong 236 015
19 Thailand Thailand 216 678
20 Romania Romania 208 820
21 India India 204 888
22 Malaysia Malaysia 162 836
23 Turkey Turkey 152 110
24 Poland Poland 135 219
25 Italy Italy 120 943
  Total 20 021 115

Visits by world map

Visits by browser

# Browser Count
1 Google Chrome Google Chrome 4 022 602
2 Google Chrome 103.0 Google Chrome 103.0 950 126
3 Google Chrome 114.0 Google Chrome 114.0 730 909
4 Safari 15.1 Safari 15.1 724 832
5 Google Chrome 66.0 Google Chrome 66.0 711 314
6 Internet Explorer 9.0 Internet Explorer 9.0 614 037
7 Google Chrome 43.0 Google Chrome 43.0 567 077
8 Google Chrome 67.0 Google Chrome 67.0 537 115
9 Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 393 508
10 Google Chrome 63.0 Google Chrome 63.0 377 273
11 Mozilla Firefox 102.0 Mozilla Firefox 102.0 367 129
12 Internet Explorer 6.0 Internet Explorer 6.0 301 439
13 Mozilla Firefox 114.0 Mozilla Firefox 114.0 289 153
14 Google Chrome 65.0 Google Chrome 65.0 277 056
15 Internet Explorer 11.0 Internet Explorer 11.0 219 638
16 Google Chrome 59.0 Google Chrome 59.0 172 581
17 Google Chrome 53.0 Google Chrome 53.0 162 541
18 Google Chrome 68.0 Google Chrome 68.0 152 786
19 Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge 120 921
20 Mozilla Firefox 60.0 Mozilla Firefox 60.0 111 925
21 Google Chrome 74.0 Google Chrome 74.0 108 773
22 Google Chrome 64.0 Google Chrome 64.0 107 516
23 Opera2 Opera2 103 309
24 Safari 15.4 Safari 15.4 95 923
25 Mozilla Firefox 34.0 Mozilla Firefox 34.0 90 158
  Total 12 309 641

Visits by platform

# Platform Count
1 Windows 7 Windows 7 6 317 609
2 Windows 10 Windows 10 3 106 038
3 Mac OS X Mac OS X 3 040 699
4 Linux Linux 1 697 242
5 Windows 32 Windows 32 483 779
6 Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1 481 646
7 Windows 8 Windows 8 267 058
8 Windows Vista Windows Vista 136 047
9 Android Android 115 840
10 Xbox OS  10 Xbox OS 10 96 116
11 iOS iOS 56 703
12 Windows 64 Windows 64 299
13 Windows Phone 8.1 Windows Phone 8.1 172
14 ipadOS ipadOS 87
15 Windows Phone 10 Windows Phone 10 78
16 Xbox OS Xbox OS 4
  Total 15 799 417

Visits by referer

# Referer Count
1 19 822
2 17 043
3 7 749
4 5 441
5 5 085
6 2 546
7 1 893
8 1 814
9 1 702
10 1 411
11 1 174
12 1 142
13 1 125
14 949
15 823
16 784
17 778
18 739
19 723
20 717
21 715
22 689
23 683
24 639
25 614
  Total 76 800