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Questions Questions mlnet/mldonkey

I recently started to play with the mlnet/mldonkey software.
So far everything works fine but I have no clue how to connect to one of the users of your hub, to exchange data nor how to use the hub itself inside my used software.

I use the mldonkey-server, sancho and KLMDonkey GUI or simply telnet in. :-/
Linux of course. (Ubuntu-Studio/Arch)

Can you tell me anything about the 'direct connect thing' and how to use it.

I am bored and disgusted by the torrent-protocol even if I am able to run it hidden.


Posted by Gee Bee on 2016-11-10 16:06


Post is locked: Resolved
Re: mlnet/mldonkey
If you don't know how to use the DC++ client, you can read about it in their official help files:
Replied by RoLex on 2017-01-26 11:40 #239
Post is locked: Resolved