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Verlihub Verlihub Verlihub Synology Docker

IS it possible, to make so verlihub can run in docker on synology
Posted by DKBJorn on 2019-03-16 17:02


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Re: Verlihub Synology Docker
i have no idea actually. does your os support gcc? you could start with compiling verlihub into separate container.

here is an example of an old verlihub version using original docker >

and here is example that works with latest version on centos >
Replied by RoLex on 2019-03-17 00:45 #364
Re: Verlihub Synology Docker
i tryed combro2k/verlihub, but it's not work on DSM 6.2 it close down the container all the time....

So it will be great, if there are a nice guy, there can make a docker repo for the latest VerliHub....
Replied by DKBjorn on 2019-03-17 07:31 #365
Re: Verlihub Synology Docker
i will do this if i ever get some time over. that would not be in next 3 months atleast ...
Replied by RoLex on 2019-03-27 21:42 #366
Re: Verlihub Synology Docker
Let's hope another one, maybe can help then, and it go faster... :P
Replied by Guest on 2019-04-01 15:45 #371
Re: Verlihub Synology Docker
So Nice... can see verlihub just arrived on docker, now i wait for the tag (docker file), thx to the person there have started the project on docker.....
Replied by DKBjorn on 2019-06-15 01:25 #373
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