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Verlihub Verlihub Connect from local network only; from internet: connection …


I successfuly install, configure and I'm running Verlihub on my system right now, but there are some issues that I need help from developers in order to solve, I guess.

The first and most important issue: I can connect to my hub only internally, from my local network. When I try to connect from internet, the connection is "refused". And yes, the port is open (TCP and UDP) and the NAT and firewall are correctly configured.

Curiously, the local IP of Verlihub is, the IP of my Windows Workstation is, but when I connect it shows an IP like that I don't know from where it came:

Your information:

[*] Nick: zamana
[*] IP:
[*] Country: P1=Private Network
[*] City: Private Network
[*] Client TLS: Yes
[*] Client NAT: No

[*] Class: 10
[*] Registered on: 2022-12-19 16:25:51 [Not set]
[*] Last login: 2022-12-19 22:54:29 [18] []
[*] Last error: Never [0] [Not set]
[*] Password set: Yes
[*] Enabled: Yes
[*] Protected: No
[*] Hide kicks: No
[*] Hide key: No
[*] Show key: No
[*] Hide share: No
[*] Hide chat: No
[*] Hide messages: No
[*] Authorization IP: Not set
[*] Alternate IP: Not set
[*] Fake IP: Not set
[*] User note: Not set
[*] Operator note: Not set

Can you help me with this, please?

Thank you very much in advance.
Posted by Zamana on 2022-12-20 13:06


Post is locked: Resolved
Re: Connect from local network only; from internet: connection refused

And sorry that I banned you on VAZ, I didn't know that are actually running a Verlihub, because you never said something in main chat? Anyway, your ban is now removed on VAZ.

I guess you run a virtual machine on your Windows Workstation? What virtualization software do you use? The issue is that you assigned network inferface to your virtual machine which uses NAT for traffic forwarding. It needs to be properly configured before it can actually forward direct connections via opened ports. If you tell me the software name, and the network adapter name that you assigned to your virtual server, then we could probably resolve this issue.

I'm guessing on VMware and wmnat0/1/8?

Replied by RoLex on 2022-12-20 17:35 #616
Re: Connect from local network only; from internet: connection refused
Hello RoLex!

I'm very pleased to have a reply from you.

Well... I need to explain with a little bit more details what I'm doing and what I did until now.

The first and most important question: I'm still unable to connect to my own hub through internet, but for my surprise, I found 3 users connected to my hub this morning. So I guess that this question is solved. By some reason I, myself, can only connect internally, but other people are reaching my hub, which is enough for me right now. And this also explain the ip address: it is from my DC++ Client (AirDC++ Web Client). Good!

Now, the big motivation: I'm running Verlihub in a FreeBSD system. It's in a jail, more specifically, and it is running smooth and beautiful. In the following days I intend to publish my tutorial on how to prepare the environment, compile and configure Verlihub to run on FreeBSD systems.

My current issue right now is with the Python plugins. The latest and greatest Python version in FreeBSD is 3.9, but it seems that the plugins still uses some deprecated functions from Python 2.x era... So, my question is: is the Python plugins really necessary? Or is it ok to run the hub without it?

Regarding the ban, no problem. I really appreciate if let me connect into your hub again.

Thank you very much!

Replied by Zamana on 2022-12-20 18:13 #617
Re: Connect from local network only; from internet: connection refused

I can see that there is a port called python27 for FreeBSD. Sure, it's outdated, because it's no longer maintained. But it's a latest stable version of Python 2, and it works just great on any OS.

To answer your question: No, you don't need Python plugin, unless you want to run my Blacklist script to block AP2P authorities etc from your hub.
Replied by RoLex on 2022-12-20 19:35 #618
Re: Connect from local network only; from internet: connection refused

Well... the problem with Python 2.7 in FreeBSD is that there are only 10 packages (against 3813 for 3.9):

root@verlihub:~ # pkg search py27
py27-cython-0.29.32 Compiler for Writing C Extensions for the Python Language
py27-cython-devel-3.0.0.a11 Compiler for Writing C Extensions for the Python Language
py27-dnspython1-1.16.0 DNS toolkit for Python - 1.x release
py27-future-0.18.2 Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2
py27-game_sdl2-7.4.11 Reimplementation of portions of the pygame API using SDL2
py27-setuptools44-44.1.1 Python packages installer
py27-six-1.16.0 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py27-sqlite3-2.7.18_7 Standard Python binding to the SQLite3 library (Python 2.7)
py27-subversion-lts-1.10.8 Python bindings for version control system
py27-tkinter-2.7.18_6 Python bindings to the Tk widget set (Python 2.7)

I confess that I not test it, but I guess that they are insufficient to compile anything beyond a "Hello World"...

Regarding authorities... well... this is not good at all.

Is there any chance to "modernize" the plugins to be compatible (or at least portable) for 2.x and 3.x?
Replied by Zamana on 2022-12-20 20:31 #619
Re: Connect from local network only; from internet: connection refused
I mean this port:

I'm not the original author of Python plugin for Verlihub, but I have asked the author if he could make an update. He said it is too much work, that he didn't have time right now, sadly.
Replied by RoLex on 2022-12-21 19:33 #620
Re: Connect from local network only; from internet: connection refused
Ok, I see. But this port is dead:

Deprecated: EOLed upstream
Expired: This port expired on: 2020-12-31

But that's ok.

Thank you very much for the support here.
Replied by Zamana on 2022-12-21 20:04 #621
Re: Connect from local network only; from internet: connection refused
That's what I'm telling you. The port is dead because Python 2 is no longer officially maintained by Python Software Foundation, but that is last stable version of Python 2, and it works just great for Verlihub.
Replied by RoLex on 2022-12-22 18:43 #622
Post is locked: Resolved