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Complaints Complaints Connecting to <>...

20:03 h

[20:00] <# TE> Your message wasn't sent due spam detection. Please contact the hub administration if you disagree with this decision.
[20:00] *** Veza je zatvorena
[20:00] *** Connecting to <>...
[20:00] *** Spojeno
[20:00] <# TE> You are banned from this hub:

[*] Nick: srbin034Marko
[*] IP:
[*] Share: 56938782335 [53.03 GB]
[*] Reason: Spam detected: ( Don't worry, be happy )Oo(:-{P)(P-:)oO( ( o Y o )(I)( Y ) )(B-{O)(((facebook/srbin034Marko )))) #_ban_
[*] Extra: Here you can ask to remove your ban:
[*] Time: Permanently

[20:00] *** Veza je zatvorena
Posted by srbin034Marko on 2017-10-03 20:04


Post is locked: Resolved

20:06 h

[20:00] <# TE> Your message wasn't sent due spam detection. Please contact the hub administration if you disagree with this decision.
[20:00] *** Veza je zatvorena
[20:00] *** Connecting to <>...
[20:00] *** Spojeno
[20:00] <# TE> You are banned from this hub:

[*] Nick: srbin034Marko
[*] IP:
[*] Share: 56938782335 [53.03 GB]
[*] Reason: Spam detected: ( Don't worry, be happy )Oo(:-{P)(P-:)oO( ( o Y o )(I)( Y ) )(B-{O)(((facebook/srbin034Marko )))) #_ban_
[*] Extra: Here you can ask to remove your ban:
[*] Time: Permanently

[20:00] *** Veza je zatvorena
Replied by Author srbin034Marko on 2017-10-03 20:06 #292
Re: Connecting to <>...
Spammers get the ban they deserve. Question closed.
Replied by RoLex on 2017-10-05 19:27 #293
Post is locked: Resolved