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Complaints Complaints virus spreader ban?

[*] Nick: sammy
[*] IP:
[*] Share: 708579603682 [659.92 GB]
[*] Reason: Virus and illegal pornography spreaders are not welcome here _ban_3d / Virus and illegal pornography spreaders are not welcome here _ban_3d
[*] Extra: Here you can ask to remove your ban:

what virus? can be specific more?
i have tested my PC and no virus detected.
which files are faulty?
write me a list so I can delete them.
Posted by Sammy on 2020-06-17 14:17


Post is locked: Resolved
Re: virus spreader ban?
ARGO_NET\Trio Anal -Lolitas Lesbians Fuck Cum Blowjob Sexy Porno Xxx Gay Ass Anal Pussy Naked Girls Bondage Rape Preteen Tits Cunt Vag.mpg

child pornography according to file name.
Replied by RoLex on 2020-06-19 07:36 #460
please unban
Thank you for sent information,
this files was deleted last week,
please unban.
Replied by sammy on 2020-06-19 15:29 #461
Re: virus spreader ban?
removed your entry from avdb, ban will be removed automatically today. thanks.
Replied by RoLex on 2020-06-20 09:53 #462
Post is locked: Resolved