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ID 1980
URL None
Status Online
Secure None
Certificate None
ASN PE Nikonov Evgeniy Vitalevich
Failover None
Name SakhHub
Topic Сахалинский пиринговый хаб
Description Сахалинский пиринговый хаб
Network None
Category None
Software PtokaX
Owner Self
Location Russia
Users 47
Peak users 185
Share 81.56 TB
Peak share 122.75 TB
Unique 40 / 1.23%
Clones 2 / 4.26% 133.77 GB / 0.16%
Infected 2 / 4.26% 575.01 GB / 0.69%
User limit 1 000
Share limit 0 B
Slot limit 0
Hub limit 0
Reliability 67.1%
Last checked 6 minutes 20 seconds
When added 9 years 3 months
Votes 0 Good Bad
Website None
Email None
Resources None

Weekly graph Period: Sat 30/11 - Sat 07/12 Users: 20 - 50 Share: 26.01 TB - 90.25 TB

Online users

Nick Share
Релизы 0 B
Magadan17081968 87.55 GB
allme 487.45 GB
USA 60.93 GB
ghf59reuy1 72.84 GB
Akela3FH73 178.94 GB
Dell 151.17 GB
Den-Siao-Pin 8.70 TB
Edsdforttrdg 37.20 GB
Evgeniy_D 76.15 GB
Frghghtsserg 415.42 GB
Gorec73 102.85 GB
Helga 24.16 GB
Indy_bdRI 99.19 GB
Jukebox 718.87 GB
Minimus003Akula 137.35 GB
Mo-Tan 2.07 TB
MrSmith 426.96 GB
Nikolay 254.93 GB
PaulGeorge13 49.74 GB
Qwerty_ytrewq1 212.99 GB
Shaktiman 97.62 GB
Vad2707 4.31 TB
Vovka_Vovkin 6.89 GB
Westling 72.84 GB
Zutamemi 244.49 GB
Zveruga 3.66 GB
[fly]Earth_nNdg 754.83 GB
[fly]Jocker_fps 1.04 TB
[fly]Moon_bGm 12.71 GB
[fly]Moon_x7m 60.93 GB
[fly]Troll_07tt 401.19 GB
antropomorf2 13.08 TB
b0sss 210.37 GB
bruno 1.59 TB
casH8522ndKijhG 616.31 GB
cortez 34.35 GB
entrejanrillas 110.48 GB
gentleman 10.85 GB
home 60.93 GB
kris 193.07 GB
marss1 22.63 GB
novichok_0721 0 B
vgggz 12.11 GB
werwolf 32.41 TB
wimmer 436.21 GB
Ашурбанипал 11.57 TB


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