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ID 83
URL gelmes
Status Online
Secure None
Certificate None
Failover dchub://
Topic • GELMES • 2025 •
Description Lietuva
Network None
Category None
Software FlexHub 0.2
Owner Self
Location Republic of Lithuania
Users 124
Peak users 480
Share 98.16 TB
Peak share 2.11 PB
Unique 103 / 4.00%
Clones 7 / 5.65% 4.19 TB / 4.27%
Infected 1 / 0.81% 16.04 GB / 0.02%
User limit 1 000
Share limit 0 B
Slot limit 1
Hub limit 1 000
Reliability 98.24%
Last checked 27 minutes 13 seconds
When added 11 years 4 months
Votes 2 265 Good Bad
Website None
Email None
Resources None

Weekly graph Period: Tue 04/02 - Tue 11/02 Users: 0 - 212 Share: 0 B - 277.33 TB

Online users

Nick Share
Vlz 0 B
Gelmes 0 B
#...2025 16.04 GB
Ap2p2020P0_R366 30.92 GB
Aqua_MAN_R106 1.29 TB
Aqua_MAN_R683 1.29 TB
[fly]Rabbi_R202 136.93 GB
[fly]Rabbi_R366 136.93 GB
cashfyj673_R520 622.77 GB
kiyugarh667mlk 721.76 GB
#(GTB)(fly)Mon22 118.67 GB
((Morava))CZ111_openVPN 9.66 TB
(NL)Toolbarr1 269.70 GB
-Samul- 63.68 GB
1313hfg2ghgg13 84.78 GB
3riy2g45i4n 0 B
77776666 37.62 GB
ADSLmasterT0310 30.92 GB
AMBA 117.85 GB
AMDHome 0 B
Abarygen 287.45 GB
Alex-artist 1.45 TB
Aqua_MAN 1.29 TB
BaKeMoNo 4.41 TB
BauBau 2.07 GB
Bonzai 736.05 GB
Cempionas40 33.47 GB
Csaba 36.09 GB
Cue123123sfg2 2.47 TB
Dxc3598 36.92 GB
Fagus 0 B
FakeHunter™ 925.84 GB
Fred 445.62 GB
FulcromandLever 10.15 TB
Gianni1950 173.87 GB
HOH_KRG 192.63 GB
JimBobTheBigNob 25 B
Jocker_JFAH 21.88 GB
Jocker_Mu1_R283 18.88 GB
Jupis 78.65 GB
Justux 470.40 GB
Kinsler 82.66 GB
Kricka0159! 90.33 GB
KrullicAs 8.03 GB
Krustnesis 524.47 GB
LFC666 520.99 GB
Larsenv 0 B
Lion 3.49 GB
Macko 30.18 GB
Michael 311.76 GB
Niko_12 226.96 GB
Onix 847.33 GB
Peligrosooadgcj5646jj 57.66 GB
Ronald.McDonald 1.49 TB
Ruz104 15.76 GB
SR-Bomm 707.79 GB
Seppie 26.94 GB
Serg_777 3.51 TB
Shareaza5199 7.89 GB
Shareaza8078 0 B
Simpleton2 6.29 TB
Smooth 766.29 GB
TheManWithNoName 1.36 TB
User 0 B
YSmile_L9P_R224 49.12 GB
Zaborov_Nikolay 677.96 GB
Zahar 114.14 GB
[HUN]Gergelyke 0 B
[HUN]Puritan 55.09 GB
[RO]Johnie_R417 25.65 GB
[RO][BR][UPC]Bicboc 5.28 GB
[RO][B][RDS][JEAN454] 693.76 GB
[RO][B][Shantz]Mota 0 B
[Ro][B][RDS]GabyC 45 GB
[bir]NikaG_R189 18.63 GB
[fly]Cool_Ebc 88.82 GB
[fly]Cool__R259 117.94 GB
[fly]Cow_WL47 4.34 TB
[fly]Hawk_T0RI 22.04 GB
[fly]Indy_2U79RL 1.68 TB
[fly]Monkey_oTm2v+56523 13.43 GB
[fly]Moon_d02N2 23.45 GB
[fly]Rabbi_R924 136.93 GB
[fly]Smile_tCaz5521444 216.60 GB
[fly]Sun_t2WT9362 694.86 GB
[fly]arrywza_47 155.97 GB
[ro][bb]mnmn 7.94 GB
andyspeedy81 960.73 GB
aux-virt 8.46 TB
bananan31 0 B
bedvelne 15.83 GB
carh667mlk 721.76 GB
cashfyj673lkf 622.77 GB
ecco00000005 141.80 GB
entrites09portacabin 0 B
fastah334 92.63 GB
flash 0 B
frasli001 25.68 GB
furiosu 113.17 GB
hackerjack 37.19 GB
hatari 34.35 GB
jack69 16.52 GB
kazica 65.31 GB
kdckim 5.64 GB
kestas555 4.86 TB
kjhihkghg 0 B
klingon 3.17 TB
majkizee 749.94 GB
marss1 15.97 GB
miro 51.44 GB
piotrek 33.65 GB
s23456hjkl 51.79 GB
savel1957 21.90 GB
seaup 82.80 GB
sgdrenm 6.19 TB
tfgkuung6767öi 23.75 GB
thisguy 304.04 GB
victor_gc 6.21 TB
xeno432333 11.95 GB
y6543uyyh 34.99 GB
zinxs 14.42 GB
zuuberboobermicky 1.49 TB
âëàä11_R327 4.14 GB


Date Author Comment
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2024-09-09 12:37 ru Is my favorite hub
2018-09-01 23:32 Guest 666 x
2018-05-21 09:02 Guest stealth
2018-02-12 10:24 100 Lietuva With its statehood dating back to over one thousand years, in 2018, Lithuania will celebrate the centenary of the restoration of its independence. Though it is but a fraction of our history, it is of particular significance. The Act of Independence signed in 1918 is enormous achievement by the people determined to take responsibility for their country’s future in their hands.

Thanks to them today we can feel free and be free, sharing our achievements with the world. Today Lithuania is a country of open, creative and responsible people.

For centuries, we have been inspired by the future, so as we celebrate the centenary of the modern state, we are full of motivation to continue strengthening the foundations of the statehood, enhance the social and civic responsibility, encourage voluntary activities, and promote the image of the modern and creative state. Therefore, all the festivities will be dedicated to the people, their ideas and dreams.
2017-10-12 20:51 Guest Lithuania, is a country in Northern Europe
2017-06-06 22:58 Guest geras geras
2017-04-04 09:15 Guest labai geras hubas
2017-01-05 21:16 Sutemos ahoy!
2017-01-02 04:54 Paul Dao you stink
2016-11-04 20:18 Guest :)
2016-08-01 01:37 Lietuva Sveiki atvyke
2016-05-02 22:40 xdd nieko naujo
2015-12-26 17:12 nk Nz kvailiu skaicius neisskaiciuojamas, ypac neadekvaciu komentuotoju
2015-07-22 13:22 Klaus Shit hub
2015-07-16 16:23 RoLex I tried connecting to your hub from another source on hublist server, the result is same, connection timeout. I assume that our hublist server IP is banned or blacklisted on your server by the hub or OS itself, please check that. Make sure that any IPTables rules don't block or drop the pinger IP address
2015-07-16 11:16 Dao Hub Uptime : 150 day(s)
Online Users : Total: 252
Max Users : Total: 475
2015-07-16 03:24 RoLex I find it strange aswell, your hub is often offline. Must look closer at this issue.
2015-07-16 00:54 wtf
2015-07-07 22:29 Dead xD
2015-06-03 23:51 birzelis o kokios temos komentaras cia turetu buti kazin
2015-01-06 08:37 pieva Geru Naujuju metu
2015-01-01 23:24 salvija musu veliavos diena - sausio 1.
2014-12-25 15:52 Sutemos Saulės grįžimo šventė
2014-12-04 22:08 Dao Hub Online
Hub Uptime : 80 day(s) 02:22:21
2014-11-12 22:07 salvinorum greit kaledos
2014-10-09 08:14 niekas stabiliausias hubas kiek matau
2014-08-28 22:34 hubas jo =]
2014-08-05 21:09 World Music Sutartas veiksmas
2014-08-05 11:38 alus sutartu laiku*
2014-08-01 16:44 ghost Super hubas
2014-07-04 12:44 salvia savas hubas
2014-06-30 23:23 poliak dobrze
2014-06-28 00:32 region55 best hub
2014-06-26 21:21 as =]
2014-06-25 14:42 Sutema =)
2014-06-22 23:12 salvia tai Lietuva!
2014-06-17 10:51 Australia I like this hub of Lithuania
2014-03-10 10:01 Siberia Best!
2014-02-10 22:27 Dao *
2014-02-10 22:05 Guest =]Unbanning.
2014-02-10 19:56 RoLex <VerliHub> Banned, Reason: x, Permanently, IP:, Nick: _ipban_
2014-02-10 13:11 as Hub Online:VerliHub (RunTime: 12weeks 3days
2014-01-25 13:34 sergius_s Is my favorite hub :)
2013-10-11 12:41 not online? Not online?RunTime: 20hours 2min
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