Last updated: 2017.03.29Table of contents
When script loads |
When script unloads |
Called every ~ second. |
onChatArrival(user=object, text=string)
When chat arrives from a user (return true to block sending) |
onTextCommand(user=object, cmd=string, text=string)
On text command, all default with ! symbol. !help etc return true to block processing. |
onDataArrival(user=object, cmd=string, text=string)
On protocol command/data, return true to ignore/do not process. |
When user is validated/connect to hub |
When a validated user disconnects from hub. |
When a user calls help command. |
When a user calls about command. Resulting string should be no more than 100 characters long. |
Called when public protocol messages are sent (this does not cover masked messages). |
Global methods
Print out to console/and or logfile |
Create or open sqlite database |
createTask('lua code')
Create an asyncronous task. |
Encode string with escape characters $ and | |
Decode string to use characters $ and | |
Convert string ip address to host address representation. |
Convert string ip address to net address representation. |
Convert net address to string ip address. |
Convert host address to string ip address. |
Convert host address to 2-digit country code. |
Global Objects
Hub### (methods)
Get the process ID of the hub. |
Create an empty permissions object for use with masks. |
Create an empty supports object for use with masks. |
Send data to all users (can be data, no pipe needed) |
.sendToAll(nick=string, text=string)
Send chat to all users from nick |
.mSendToAll(pmask,smask=uint64, text=string)
Same as sendToAll but with permission and support mask. |
.mSendToAll(pmask,smask=uint64, nick=string, text=string)
Same as sendToAll but with permission and support mask |
Send pm to all users (default bot name is used as sender) |
.sendPMToAll(nick=string, text=string)
Send pm to all users from nick |
.mSendPMToAll(pmask,smask=uint64, text=string)
Same as sendPMToAll but with permission mask |
.mSendPMToAll(pmask,smask=uint64, nick=string, text=string)
Same as above but with specified nick |
.mSendPMToAll(pmask,smask=uint64, nick1,nick2=string, text=string)
Same as above but with from and display nick. |
.mSendPMToAll(pmask,smask=uint64, nick1,nick2=string, text=string, ignoreUser=user)
Same as above but ignore user that is passed. |
.sendToUser(user=object, text=string)
Send data to specified user |
.sendToUser(user=object, nick=string, text=string)
Send chat to user from nick |
Drop user from hub (close connection) |
Get a user object from nick, nil if not found |
.banIP(ip=uint32, secs=uint32, op=string, reason=string)
Ban an ip (big endian uint32, e.g. 3232235877) |
.banIP(ip=string, secs=uint32, op=string, reason=string)
Ban an ip by its corresponding string (e.g. |
.addBot(nick=string, description=string, email=string)
Add a bot to the list. |
Remove a bot from the list. |
### (properties)
Uptime in seconds |
Current user count |
User peak count |
Hub name. |
Hub topic. |
Hub default bot name. |
Parameter Objects
User### (methods)
Get permission object |
Get supports object |
### (properties)
User validated nick |
Integer based ipv4 |
String value of ipv4 |
User description string |
User connection string |
User flag byte/char |
User email string |
User share size in bytes |
Validated, true or false |
Client string e.g. StrgDC++ V1... |
Client mode A, P or S |
Client slot count |
Get profile level number 0 guest, 1..x |
Get date/time of login (in seconds). |
### (properties)
return the mask of this permissions object. |
can reload lua scripts |
can force settings/accounts save |
can reload hub config files (including accounts etc) |
can manage hub settings !set .... |
this user is classified as an operator |
requires password to join |
can use commands...... |
has an operator key |
can drop other users with !drop command |
can kick users !kick ... |
can redirect users !redirect ... |
can ban users |
can unban users |
can be set invisible |
visible to operators (even if invisible) |
is hidden by default ? |
can update own password |
can update own password |
can speak in main chat |
can see main chat |
can send private messages |
can register users and delete own regs |
can delete any accounts that have lower level |
not checked for spamming main chat |
can change hub name |
can change hub topic |
can change hub description |
can change hub motd |
can change bot security nick, desc etc |
access to whois and seen commands |
can view/use opchat (if any) |
can set modes (using mode scripts) |
can view full tags |
can change nickname |
can rename other users (lower or equal profile) |
can view users ips |
can view users ips |
share requirements |
hub security config |
### (properties)
get the mask of this supports object. |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
SQLite Database
### (methods)
Return true or false if table exists. |
.execSQL('sql code')
Execute a statement without result. |
.openSQL('sql code')
Execute a statement and return an [SQL table object]. |
SQLite Table
### (methods)
Return all columns as variables. |
Move to first row. |
Move to next row. |
Move to last row. |
Get column value as integer. |
Get column value as string. |
Get column value as floating point. |
### (properties)
True if there are no more rows available to method Next(). |
Total rows available. |
Total columns available. |