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Abdul Abdul

Note, this is alpha stable release, final release will be made at some later point.

Changes in
Unofficial changelog:

Fixed: Access violation error at address 0051F885
Changed: Global filter now works in case insensitive mode
Updated: Russian translation file
Added: Reply on single word based on what Abdul was thinking about
Added: Some interface simplifications

File information: Abdul
Posted by abdul on 2015-12-05 02:26 0 comments 6 likes

Ledokol Ledokol

Changes in
[  0] Fixed: Skip repeated main chat history messages from same user
[  0] Fixed: Chat replacer feature now replaces all possible occurrences instead of first random only
[  0] Fixed: Keep letter case sensitivity in messages that are being replaced, report by KCAHDEP
[  4] Fixed: Missing feed notifications in operator chat history when sender nick is not operator chat, report by KCAHDEP
[  0] Changed: chatantiflood is not used for chat flood detection type anymore, use each type configurations instead
[  0] Added: replprotect configuration to protect users from chat replacer feature, request by KCAHDEP
[  0] Added: custlistclass configuration to restrict users from using custlist and realnick commands, request by KCAHDEP
[  0] Added: Involved user information such as nick, IP address and class in all PM action notifications, request by KCAHDEP
[  0] Added: reluseclass configuration to restrict users from using rellist and relfind commands, request by KCAHDEP
[  0] Added: Main chat flood detection from single user with high interval
[  0] Added: Disable any type of chat flood detection by setting any of its *count or *int configurations to 0
[  0] Added: Notify user when his message is ignored on main chat flood from all detection
[  0] Added: Public bot message support to use in main chat history, idea by SCALOlаz
[  0] Added: Support for chat_to_all script command, external scripts can use this to send main chat history line to Ledokol
[  1] Added: Build number starting from 1 to increase on every development and release update, request by Uhlik
[  2] Added: rcmenuoff command to disable or enable right click menu item
[  3] Added: Send script build number in all AVDB requests to help determine version specific issues
[  4] Added: Operator chat history stores messages on class basis allowing to save feed notificiations, idea by KCAHDEP

File information: Ledokol
Posted by ledokol on 2015-11-29 04:26 0 comments 1 like

Verlihub Verlihub 1.0.0 RC7

Changes in 1.0.0 RC7
Commit log:

File information: Verlihub 1.0.0 RC7
Posted by verlihub on 2015-11-29 04:24 0 comments 1 like

Verlihub Verlihub 1.0.0 RC6

Changes in 1.0.0 RC6
Commit log:

File information: Verlihub 1.0.0 RC6
Posted by verlihub on 2015-10-04 13:50 0 comments 4 likes

Ledokol Ledokol 2.8.7

Changes in 2.8.7
Fixed: rename command parameters when used from user menu, report by KCAHDEP
Fixed: Pingers can use +report command in PM to hub security bot when gag is set, report by KCAHDEP
Fixed: Incorrect IP in connect request notification
Fixed: Class number check on reglist command
Fixed: Don't allow forced infected user detection on users who don't share anything, report by KCAHDEP
Added: Save hub messages from operator chat bot in operator chat history, requires VH_OnOpChatMessage callback, request by KCAHDEP
Added: Turkish language, thanks to Mauron
Added: langfileprefix country code validation, also allows use of full country names in English
Added: User log search by country code

File information: Ledokol 2.8.7
Posted by ledokol on 2015-10-03 13:31 0 comments 3 likes