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Verlihub Python Scripts Blacklist

Changes in
# - Added redirection of blocked connections, requires Verlihub
# - Removed predefined MySQL character set, collation and engine to use system defaults
# - Fixed ASN list notifications resulting in unknown data

File information: Blacklist
Posted by vhpython on 2021-01-10 21:14 0 comments 2 likes

Ledokol Ledokol

Changes in
[ 87] Fixed: Properly unload script when called by hub
[ 90] Fixed: Public proxy lookup for hubs with different locale and decimal separator, report by Master
[ 91] Fixed: Faster rank table cleanup when disabling, report by KCAHDEP
[ 93] Fixed: Correctly send main chat messages to users in chat list only, report by Delion
[ 93] Fixed: User IP in chat feature now relies on user_ip_class configuration when possible
[ 94] Fixed: Automated replace consequence, probably first of
[ 95] Fixed: Lua error, report by KCAHDEP
[ 98] Fixed: Display of default port in links with non standard protocols in frienly hublist
[100] Fixed: Cut down too long string in user logger
[103] Fixed: Lua 5.4 now pushes booleans correctly
[106] Fixed: Antivirus search server
[104] Changed: Clone detection is performed using all MyINFO and IP parameters instead of only IP and share size
[ 88] Added: Secure connection information to user information
[ 89] Added: TLS version information to user information
[ 89] Added: badpassbanmult configuration to multiply incorrect password ban time each time, request by KCAHDEP
[ 91] Added: Remove kick vote when voter is logging out, request by KCAHDEP
[ 91] Added: Set chatintelon to 2 to notify logged in users previously detected as public proxy
[ 92] Added: avdetclass configuration to separate antivirus command restriction
[ 96] Added: ulogouttime configuration to disable logout time recording for user logger
[ 98] Added: setuserip command for temporary IP change
[101] Added: Support for other hub protocols in seen command results
[102] Added: User uptime ranking
[105] Added: Timeout variables chatintelreqtime and chatintelreqwait for public proxy lookup
[105] Added: Search filter block script command sefi_user_block
[106] Added: AVDB detection script command avdb_user_detect
[107] Added: ledobotdesc configuration for custom main bot description
[108] Added: timebotdesc configuration for custom time bot description
[109] Added: avdetforceconv configuration for conversion of parameters from UTF-8 into hub encoding
[ 97] Removed: Predefined MySQL character set, collation and engine to use system defaults

File information: Ledokol
Posted by ledokol on 2021-01-10 20:56 0 comments 2 likes

Verlihub TLS Proxy

First release of TLS proxy server for Verlihub.

Changes in
Commit log:

File information: TLS Proxy
Posted by verlihub on 2021-01-10 20:24 0 comments 2 likes

Verlihub Verlihub

Stable release version with key feature TLS proxy to support NMDCS protocol with among other bug and stability fixes.

Changes in
Commit log:

File information: Verlihub
Posted by verlihub on 2021-01-10 20:18 0 comments 3 likes

AirDC++ AirDC++ 4.10

This official AirDC++ 4.10 installer was put into ZIP archive due to unavailability of sharing pure executable files on our website.

Changes in 4.10
API and Web UI changes:


- Let the operating system set the optimal socket write/read buffer sizes by default (can multiply per-connection transfer speeds with faster connections,
- Improve hashing speed by increasing the read buffer from 256 kilobytes to 1024 kilobytes (
- Increase the default file write buffer from 64 kilobytes to 256 kilobytes


- Fix inconsistencies with filelist transfer logging

File information: AirDC++ 4.10
Posted by airdc on 2021-01-10 11:31 0 comments 2 likes